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상품코드(Code) : G5BACD1BFC69E1
품목(Item) : LED 구강 검사 & 흡입기 ( Portable dental light ) : e-Bite2
Dental Inspection, LED Portable dental light : e-Bite2, intraoral lighting&suction system,치과검사 치료등
판매가격(Price) ₩110,000원 (Won,₩) (VAT included)
브랜드(Brand) e-bite
제조사/원산지(Maker/Origin) e-bite / Korea 한국
배송방식(Shipping by) 일반배송
배송비(Delivery charge) 고정금액(선불) ₩3,000원 원 ( WON, ₩ )
배송기간(delivery time) 5~7일(day)
인도장소 (Place of delivery) 도착도/FOB
단위(Unit) 개(Set)
  • 본 기본상품의 수량을 확인해 주세요. (0 미만 금액 구매 불가)
    총 상품 금액(Total Price) : 상품 가격을 선택해주세요.
    * 참조 환율 : Exchange Rate 1 US$=1,050 Korea-Won(₩), ReferenceExchange Rate Search

    바로구매 장바구니 관심상품


    Item : Wireless & Rechargeable Intra Oral Lighting System

     Model : eBite2                < LED 구강 치과검사 조명등 >







    eBite2 helps patient for comfortable mouth opening at dentistry and the LED illumination device lights the treatment site,

    making it convenient for dentist to give necessary treatment and helpful for patient to receive treatment in comfortable condition.
    Further convenience is assured in eBite2, as it has made it possible to treat by replacing probe in accordance with treatment purpose

    *Oral cavity illuminating function

    *Dental inspection
    *Dental plaque inspection
    *Convenient mouth opening function
    *Convenience of recharge and carry
    - Optional function-
    *Suction function
    *Tongue protection & retraction function






    Dental Inspection
    External treatment does not need a separate dental light “Portable dental light”